3 Reasons Your Child's Eczema Is Not Improving
For parents looking to heal eczema in their children using less medication
I have treated thousands of families for eczema over the last 20 years and I have developed a system to heal the skin from within without the toxic medications that big pharma pushes on us everyday. I want to teach you what I have learned.
In the masterclass we will discuss...
Why focusing too much on the skin is a mistake
How stress impacts eczema and tools to cope
Why simply eliminating food is not enough
​​This is not just about changing your diet or removing allergy prone foods. Healing eczema requires a multipronged approach to bring the immune system back into balance.
WEDNESDAY, November 8th AT 8 PM EST
Click the button below to enter your name & email and register for the Masterclass!
Bring Your Questions!
We will feature a live Q and A with Dr Ana, holistic pediatrician, and mom of 3 kids (2 who had eczema).
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